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Etica capitalistă și spiritul ortodoxiei

"Biserica fiind sobornicească în toate părțile sale, fiecare dintre mădularele sale - nu numai clerul, ci și fiecare laic - este chemat...

joi, 20 martie 2014

Breaking news!

Acest comentariu la un articol de pe Yahoo!News mi-a placut atat de mult ca nu m-am putut abtine sa nu-l postez mai jos:

  • Breaking News!!! Violent protests in Mexico. The U.S. friendly government faces imminent overthrow by the Chinese backed violent protesters. The Mexican government is facing accusations of extreme corruption and being in paid service of Washington. China has denied being behind the coup attempt but bugged telephone conversations between Mexico and Beijing reveal China's wishes on whom they'd like see as their preferred leaders. The coup leaders have been promised billions of dollars by China in return for Mexico allowing the establishment of a Chinese naval base and to place missiles on the border with America. China is demanding that the coup violent protesters been seen as legitimate. Meanwhile, Chinese tycoons are busy taking control of Mexico's state assets along with American owned businesses; privatizing them and getting ready to sell them at great profits to themselves.
    Ask yourself, if this scenario really played out, what would the U.S. do???

Originalul poate fi gasit aici, postat de Herbert.

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